Chloé Ellis
for BC Conservative Leader
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Fresh Start For BC
August 3, 2016
Chloé Ellis endorsed by two former BC Conservative candidates
Today two former BC Conservative candidates endorsed Chloé Ellis for Leader.
Tom Birch obtained the highest vote count for the Conservatives in his riding in several decades, when he ran in Shuswap in 2013. Birch also served as President of the BC Conservative Party from 2013 to 2014, and currently resides in Prince George.
“Chloé Ellis is a prominent Conservative who is the best candidate able to unite both current BC Conservatives and attract a new generation of voters to the party. I share her vision to bring accountability and affordability to British Columbia,” stated Birch.
Tom Birch is the second former President of the BC Conservative Party to endorse Chloé Ellis for Leader. Ryan Warawa, who served as President from 2005 to 2006, previously endorsed Ellis.
The second BC Conservative candidate of record to endorse Chloé Ellis is Ian McLeod of Vancouver. McLeod ran in the 2013 provincial election in West Vancouver – Sea to Sky – and previously ran in the 2009 provincial election in North Vancouver – Lonsdale, and in the 2008 by-election in Vancouver – Burrard.
“Conservatives are better together, and Chloé Ellis is the only leadership candidate to unite all types of conservatives under the BC Conservative Party. I agree with Chloé that too many voters have been convinced they must hold their nose to vote for a failed Liberal government because not being NDP is good enough. It simply is not good enough,” McLeod said. “Chloé Ellis has the passion, energy, and vision to lead the BC Conservatives to victory!”
Chloé Ellis added, “I am humbled and honoured to be endorsed by two BC Conservative candidates of record from different regions of the province. I have had the pleasure of meeting many conservatives across BC over the past few weeks, and I look forward to meeting many more members in the Lower Mainland, Interior, Island, and North over the coming weeks. To find out when I will be visiting your region, please check our campaign on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at freshstartforbc – or online at freshstartforbc.com.”
July 18, 2016
Chloé Ellis launches campaign for BC Conservative Party Leadership
Today at the Fort Langley Community Hall, prominent Conservative Chloé Ellis launched her campaign to bring a Fresh Start for BC! Ellis was honoured to launch her campaign for the leadership of British Columbia's first political party in the Birthplace of BC.
Ellis presented her vision to bring a Fresh Start for British Columbia, and highlighted her experience as a former candidate for Parliament and as a television political commentator. Ellis took aim at the BC Liberal government in Victoria, noting the government’s poor record of ethics and accountability, and criticized the unfair and ineffective BC carbon tax. She also outlined her Accountability and Affordability Agenda, to bring about better government for British Columbians.
“I am here to offer British Columbians a new option, a better option - a Fresh Start - an alternative to the cronyism and corruption of the Liberals and the economic ineptitude of the NDP,” said Ellis. “I will restore integrity to the political process, by saying what I mean and meaning what I say.”
She encouraged voters to join the BC Conservative Party by August 27th, recruit their friends to join the Fresh Start For BC campaign, and vote by mail in the September 17th BC Conservative leadership race.
July 17, 2016
Kelowna Fresh Start For BC Picnic a success!
Sunday, July 17th Chloé Ellis attended the Fresh Start For BC meet and greet picnic at City Park in Kelowna. Ellis appreciated the opportunity to meet with Okanagan Conservative supporters and to seek their views on her plan to bring a Fresh Start to British Columbia. Participants clearly expressed a strong desire to help build a competitive BC Conservative Party to contest the next general election in 2017.
The event was was held as an opportunity for British Columbians to meet a prospective candidate for the BC Conservative Party leadership.